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BACKGROUND: Death is one of the basic theme with which nurses are faced, and for which it is hard for them to prepare deeply and sincerely. 

The difficulties in handling the emotional burden can cause them to develop negative feelings towards life and clinical practice, so that it affects their caregiving capacity and the quality of care provided. 

AIM: To explore nurses’ perceptions facing the death of a hospitalized oncology patient. 

METHODS: Qualitative phenomenological study. The sample of nurses was recruited at IRCCS (Scientific Institute for Research and Healthcare) in Rome, a hospice in Latina and a hospice in Rieti. The data were collected by means of focus groups. The semi-structured interviews featuring three guiding questions constructed for this purpose, were audio-recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed using the analysis framework approach. 

RESULTS: In total 7 focus groups were conducted with a total participation of 39 nurses. Four themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: “The different meanings of death”, “The rupture of death”, “The perceptual variables of death”, and “Requests for help”. 

CONCLUSION: The study highlighted the need to provide nurses with substantial psychological and emotional support, and give consideration to organizational and environmental factors for better management of the event of death in oncology. 

KEY WORDS: Nurse, end of life, nurses perception, death, oncology patient, qualitative study, palliative care, psycho-oncology 

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Come citare
Gambalunga, F., Taraborelli, E., De Domenico, R., Di Muzio, M., Notarnicola, I., Latina, R., & Iacorossi, L. (2022). La percezione degli infermieri della morte del paziente oncologico: uno studio qualitativo. PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE, 74(4), 248–254. Recuperato da


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