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An exciting working lunch exploring National Nursing Association action to achieve a tobacco free world at the
International Council of Nurses Congress. Over 45 invited delegates from the Council of National Representatives
resolved to lead action to promote routine smoking cessation interventions by nurses, and to support tobacco
control as the focus for a future International Nurses Day.
Speakers at the gathering emphasised the vital role that nurses have in helping patients quit smoking and in
advocating for a Tobacco Free World. Tobacco use is the only risk factor common to all four major non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), cardiovacular and chronic respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes. Eliminating tobacco use
is the most effective entry point for reducing NCDs globally.
The meeting was called by Tobacco Control Nurses International (TCNI) and the New Zealand Nurses Organisation
(NZNO). Kerri Nuku, NZNO co-president and leader of the indigenous arm (Te Runanga o Aoteaora
NZNO), said that her passion to reduce tobacco related harm arises from the terrible harm that tobacco wreaks on
indigenous and other peoples, including nurses, world-wide.
Kerri exhorted delegates to be smokefree role models and to

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Come citare
Press, I. (2014). ICN 2013: Action for a Tobacco Free World. PROFESSIONI INFERMIERISTICHE, 66(4). Recuperato da