Publisher: The Consociazione Nazionale Associazioni Infermiere/i (CNAI) was founded in 1946 (previously named ANITI from 1919) as generalist National Nurses Association with the aim to promote professional culture development and improve quality of nursing care in Italy. CNAI was officially affiliated to International Council of Nurses (ICN) and the most important European nurses organization as the unique Italian representative. As ICN member, CNAI fully adheres to ICN mission, vision and core values. Info:

The Journal

Professioni Infermieristiche is the official peer-reviewed journal of CNAI. It is an international journal and publishes high quality original scientific papers of interest for all areas of nursing and midwifery knowledge and practice development. The Journal ISSN is 0033-0205. E-ISSN 2532-1579 (Online)  

Publication Frequency

Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

Nature: Print and Online services.